Shout out to Syntax - re: Delos


Thanks for your review of the Delos several years ago. I got one about a year ago based on your comments, tweaked my system a bit, and have been enjoying the resulting music immensely. My system is modest by Audiogon standards, but it must be pretty good because the Delos elevates the level of playback substantially. The cost of the Delos is a stretch for me, but it was more than worth it.

Best regards.

Showing 5 responses by downunder

Hi Halcro

Not justifying the crazy pricing, however you are being a little harsh describing the design as some crude machine shop hack.

Touraj Moghaddam has been designing and had tonearms in commercial production for over 25 years. He clearly has a great deal of engineering and technical knowledge.

Sitting the tonearm on top of the Air force one certainly will help, but also bring out any tonearm issues if there is any.

Hi Harry

I will certainly not argue with your engineering background. My main point was Touraj has been designing tables and to earns for a long time. Certainly has no appeal to me.

I agree, the Air Force one table looks awesome and does seem to have some serious engineering. That it has Micro Seiki heritage and some design carry over gives it credibility in the SOTA table.
I hope to hear one when Warwick gets his.

I read that he has the parts to make five arms. They may be all spoken for. If they each sold for the $35K retail price, that would be quite impressive. There are also the new Phantom Elite 12" and Triplanar 12".

As I said based on WBF, They have sold the 5 tonearms to dealers in ASIA. Seems ASIA is where the $$ are.

Now, where is the 50k tonearm? Where is Daniel? time to put your price up :-)
Hi Thuchan

Yes, hence my tongue in cheek comment. Yes, certainly not 35k :-) Have you heard it yet?


Not sure if the tonearm is "readily available" yet. I can check with Daniel first, or maybe Thuchan knows.