Shouldn't this be intuitive?

I bought a used Philips CDR 765 recorder from a gent here on Agon. No user manual, so I downloaded a copy from Philips' website. This is a dual tray deck, for the life of me I cannot figure out how to copy a CD from the player drawer to a blank audio CD in the recording drawer. You'd think it would be obvious, but it's not straightforward nor is it well explained in the manual. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Jeff

Showing 2 responses by swampwalker

Jeff- are you using Audio CDRs? You can't use the computer data CDRs due to licensing/copyright issues. The used Pioneer CD recorder I bought here didn't work until I bought Audio CDRs. They have a special logo on them. Can't remember exactly what the logo says, but they are distinguishable. BTW, if you are just using the CDRs in your computer, you can copy audio onto them in a CD burner, but they probably won't work in most stereo type CDPs. The audio CDRs I've made on the Pioneer work just fine in my cars, discman, etc.
The disks I am using successfully are Sony CDR-Audio and under the compact disc logo they say digital audio. BTW, there is a pretty high failure rate on CDRs. Maybe you should try recording from another source to see if the record function works at all with the disks you have and they move on from there.