Should the better AC cable be used on Amp? Source?

Hi everyone,

Just curious about this one. Let's suppose that you have 2 AC cables, one being more upscale than the other.

Where would you use it? On the amp or cd player?

Please avoid the ''use the one that sound's best'' type of answers - I already did this and the results vary from recording to recording.

As a general rule of thumb, what would you say?


Showing 1 response by chahed

My best Pcord genesise 1.1 has always Been on my cd and for over à year i was quite happy with the Sound.Last week having read the subject i dividendes to have à truc and that´s what i did so i plugged it to my power distributor to feed all what was connected,every item took the full benefit of it except my amp plugged to ac wall the Sound dramaticly changed infact it did creat Space between each instrument ...3D Sound . the power cord is still i did not change this configuration the whole system is breathing à pur oxygene.thx to you.