Should power cords have filters on them?

Everyone say"s you should plug your amps directly into the wall, not a power conditioner so why do they have filters on power cords for amps?I use the Furutech E-TP80 it has no fiters on the amp duplex. I have the Cam 200"s, currently using the Model 11 series II. The Cam"s fuse caps are real close to the IEC connecter,I wonder if Classe knows that!So the power cords with the big round connecters don"t fit.Doesn"t give me many options.Any Advice.Please don"t tell me to sell the Cam"s I do like them!Maybe I just answered my own questions.

Showing 1 response by gellis1

Chris, If you don"t know what I have for gear, How can you answer the question? I should say Questions!