Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.


Showing 20 responses by oldhvymec

YES, no gear needed, just ears, one will do. Heck I had deaf cousins. They loved to dance... 

I met more than one person that their hearing went south. Stone coal deaf..

Still loved "the talk", and could give a lot of good pointers. A lot were old carpenters, mill workers.. smart bunch, most made a lot of their own stuff.

It's an attitude of seeking perfection where it varies from person to person, yet it does exist... CANI Continual and never-ending improvement. 

My 2 pennies

limomangus65 posts06-13-2020 1:07pm

Good Question, but if I was deaf could I be an audiophile?


I think more so if a person lost their hearing, or is losing it..

My cousins are deaf as can be, it can be, the beat... They loved polka music. Audiophilers, NO, lovers of dancing, yes.

My best friend is losing his hearing still a good composer and a heck of a string instrument player... Good board level repair person too.

Scope can still tell you a lot, deaf or not...

I have good hearing.. Thank God!! Whether I listen or not, that is a different question..


rauliruegas10,069 posts
06-16-2020 8:24am
Dear @sokogear : If I read or hear something stupid several times writed by the same gentleman/person my brain tells me that he lives in the stupidity land and I can tell him why he is an stupid one in an specific audio subject and for me this is not an attack.

Only STUPID if they didn't ask. Must be wonderful to be so dog gone smart..

Time to go feed the chickens. Now they are smart..

I'm sure the wilting flowers will delete this post too..

No ears needed, only the love of the music.

Philo from the Greek,  For the love of. To be excited by..

Just like me about deleting post...

Rude seems to rule this post... Wish I was smart, though.

Regards, maybe...
All this Porsche talk. Has anyone actually split a boxer block, like a Porsche, Offenhauser, VW, or Subaru. I have, all of them.  I use to work part time for Kieth Black, racing. I use to build diesel and boxer engines.
Did a lot of his blower work.  KB, Paxton, Jimmy 53,71,92s,
Turbo research and VT 1979-80. Also Wager and Pogosa, 1980-81

A lot of  the engines were retroed for air frames...Boxers, 2.4-3.6L twin T
can't break down up there .. I NEVER had an issue, EVER...

Please don't beat me up guys...

Last count in 2002, I had built over, 350 diesel blocks, and 1100 gas/lpg/propane blocks.

That's when I converted to a hydraulics, mainly..Drill rigs, tunnel work
Large Bore...2002-2017. All OBD2, with Cann Buss

Box and drive train, that's the tricky stuff, did quite a few 4,5,6,10-13,15 speed boxes, lots and lots of Allison, Clark, and Zs
same auto box but bigger.. The same box Porsche use in their auto shift units..and just about every German,Italian, or British made autoshift muscle car..

All this talk.... See it's fun it's festive... Hat on the floor. Turn up the music.... Cha Cha Cha..... Around the hat I go... the dog following 
me... The rabbit thinks it time to hide. Maybe so.. Down the wabbit hole we go.... Where is that mushroom?

Easy peasy..


4,831 posts
06-16-2020 10:06am
The same box Porsche use in their auto shift units.

Uh, no. You didn't. Not PDK. Tiptronic, maybe. But the mere fact you say "auto shift units" tells me you don't even know the difference.


Sorry to say Yes ZF built a LOT of the autoshifters for those who chose to use them. Best not cross many of my Ts on this one millercarbon.

I don't tell you how to take pictures, best to stick with what you know...
You may know Porsche, you may even have something to contribute about stereos. But being a mechanic, you aint.. sorry buddy..

Again you ever split a ZF transmission? I have...

My point is they were in the HD market way before they hit the Auto market..They hold up, very well with OBD2 electric, servo control, they were the first...To get it right... A lot of problems. BMW, Audi just about all of the SL SUV soccer mom "things" from Europe, use them.

Don't get upset, you might just learn something... if your nice...

I'll take my marbles, a play somewhere else... Porsche Man.

I had a 1970, Panteria, and a 63 Studebaker Avanti so what does that make me...


BTW, I deserve a Rolls-Royce for my retirement, all mechanics deserve one for having to put up with the crap. 

Good lord, the world works because of mechanics...

Every war won or lost was because of...Mechanics..

Every drop of food that gets in your mouth.. Mechanics, Drivers, Workers.


5,634 posts06-16-2020 12:38pm

Didn’t Alberts’ neighBOHR give him plumbing advice ?

No, that was to Mrs Einstein, and it wasn’t advise, yuk yuk yuk


158 posts
06-16-2020 12:00pm

You are like a 5 year old child, making an analogy to a literal rocket scientist, on how rockets works ... To people who actually know what they are talking about, that is how you sound. Does that analogy bother you?

I worked on 4 rockets too... Yup sure did... Rocketman here...

But this is my real hair.....It's naturally curly, NOW...

Helped build and weld the darn thing up for an event every year,

yup yup permits the whole thing..

Still your rude....


BUT, did he get the ticket?

Manners pay, they don't cost!!!

27.50, another crack it's gonna be 127.50, who do you think you are Einstein?  LOL

In a cosmos without the concept of time, magic override mechanics..

Hee hee, until your next meal... How did you get that.. hmmmmm? :-)

Somebody had to fix that truck, that tractor, that combine, that belt drive, that, refer trailer or boxcar.  Crack me up.... 

Kinda see my point.. Some do, some don't, BUT everyone has the right to be wrong... Right?

I'm going out to hug my speakers, they just can't take it,

Come on dog.. lets go feed the chickens and the goat.

Eat some nice ripe plumbs, and overly ripe apricots.

"A wonderful, a wonderful" Lawrence Welk

Polka music is a blarin, over here....., Get it Lawrence... go baby go....

That's it I'm breakin' out the accordion.. You force my hand, Banjo next,

and most likely a ukulele, a follow up with my favorite, french harp and 
a WASHBOARD... mess with me....

Turntable, Reel to reel. HaH.....LIVE, at my digs dude...

robert keeps doing it!!!!!

Man oh man, what the heck, do you get tucked in with Cayenne pepper every night? You sure are cantankerous. 

Why do you keep attacking PEOPLE, can't you learn?

My lord even millercarbon can LEARN...

I kinda like him/her/it. 

Your tough though, it's gonna take a lot of prayin' I can already see.

Say you want join my Jesuit Sunday School class. Whip required!!
Rack is already installed... Need a volunteer, how about YOU..

WHY, please tell my why... Blubber, Blubber, your breakin' my heart..

No Regards, stand in the corner...bad poster...shame on you...

Ya see we're gettin' somewhere.. you can be civil.

My prayers are already being answered...

My question now, is that a 10 - 15 - or maybe a 20% for the old collection plate...

Your pretty tough, I'll give it a solid 15 for sure... Heck I'm throwin' in an extra 5% just to make sure...

Oh I forgot the old steel guitar, and my  kazoo..

The piano, harp, congas and steel pans are already out.

Don't get me going' I break my own heart, here...

I turned off the stereo.... the dog is 

Officially howling, now... good girl, joined right in...

Come on dog.. stay on key....stay in time... or vice versa!

Cool Daddy-O

I think it boils down to my stuff, is better than that stuff....
Whatever that stuff might be...It may be your stuff, my old stuff, or somebody else’s stuff.

It could be NEW stuff, or even different stuff, ay?

Music, no ears required. 

It should be AUDIO-AGAPE it’s not conditional. Just the love and pursuit of music, not more, not less.

The word phile is from the word Philo, meaning to excite, passion, infatuation, a type of love.

When adding anything to "what it means to be an audiofiler", it no longer
carries the same meaning...

Sound lover.. got it.. Not Turntable, and certainly not Reel to Reel...
I think less than 1% on these forums even know what one looks like. Much less how expensive it is to run that stuff, talk about old hat...
I still have a few reels around.. Most any CD will out do mine.
It’s old stuff...

You don’t join the club, you ARE the club....Your own little "CLUB"

Heck you can even have your own uniforms. Me I just wear a HAT..
That’s it just a hat....

I was wondering why the chickens quit laying eggs.. Vet told me I had to wear clothes, I was scarin’ the HELL out of the chickens..

The Rooster, was a little envious too. Sorry Bud...(that’s the rooster’s name)


1 posts
06-18-2020 4:18am
Absolutely not. Audiophiles are gadget freaks. The turntable is the ultimate gadget surpassed only by the automobile.

Then you ain't seen one of my rigs. Ever see the movie Frankenstein, or 
The kids show Voltron.. ok were getting close...Now throw in a little H.G. Wells "The time machine", we got it...

Underground, above ground, and grounded. LOL


96 posts06-18-2020 11:08pm

Yes. But should someone who asks such a question be considered a troll?

No, but someone who ask the OP if their a Troll, could be!!! 

What is a troll???


Audiophile what does the WORD mean?

Audio, what is it?
sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.

Phile, what is it?
denoting fondness for a specified thing.

Now I know what a Audiophile(r) is. DO YOU?

A person who has a fondness for sound, especially, when recorded, transmitted, or reproduced.

It does NOT include or exclude, ANYTHING.

There is only one requirement, YOU, ME, Him or Her. One person!
No one can exclude you. No one can include you.

YOU and only you, can say whether you are, or are not a Audiofiler.

It's very Simple...


Thankyou  millercarbon, at least you were trying to stay on topic. 

The Love of,  philo from the greek

Though I think Mr. Robberdiditoverandover again is a rude person.

I think we could lock him/her in a room with no one else and they (all of his multiple personalities) would pick a fight with themselves.

Who wants to listen to a smart person that makes people feel bad?

You keep saying stuff, you know.. STUFF. Seem smart.. Wish you would understand, I'm not as witty. You know as smart as you..

Are you better than me? I hope so,  I'd like to meet someone better than me.. Lots and lots folks are... Are you better than me, too, did I meet another one?

I know a guy named robberdiditoverandover, he comes to my house to eat Chicken,shit , yea, I know, robertdiditoverandover, AGAIN.

Your rude.. But seem like a smart guy, just not to smart...

CD guys are audiophiler, too, a second yes..No ears required... Just the love of, that's it... SEE on topic... Can you learn.

Ops.. to long...suppose to be short, Thanks OP good question..
