Should people with no turntable or reel to reel be considered audiophiles?

Just like those driving a Porsche SUV can join PCA (digital audio fans can join Audiogon) but are certainly not Porschephiles unless they also own a coupe (Panamera owners I guess gets a pass here).

Please respond with a yes or no and we'll tally a vote for the first 100 responses.


Showing 23 responses by mahgister

Being an audiophile is not about what you own. Its about how you get what you own to sound!
I am very proud to be one by my own creativity....My systems look like trash and cost peanuts.... His sound is out of this world by my homemade low cost methods then being an audiophile for me is being creative not being a customer.... You cannot buy the "audiophile" title with an amplifier.... The audiophile task is more important than the piece of electronic, the ultimate question is: How to embed it?

A true audiophile rarely upgrade.... He makes perfect the embedding process and that cost if we are creative peanuts.....

I think most people dont understand that.... :)

Excellent example of stove piping, not paying attention to what others are doing or ignoring the advancements by others.
You must be a farseeing seer to know what I study and read, and what I tried to improve, inspired by others....Or ….

And by the way, Sir, I cannot report anything except my own experiments.....And some of these by the way confirm some of yours, like you already know, then what is your motives for this post?

To piss me off?

Sorry, it does not work....


Like I already argued about when I was 7 years old, my little pipe has the same size than your’s.....

By the way the history has proven a long time ago that accusers blame others for the sin they suffer themselves....

People mix the brain global activity with readings on one level with one set of measuring apparatus and improvise themselves neurologist .... I will not go with the qualia problem here for sure.... Good luck for explaining EEG here Geoffkait...

The brain is not consciousness and dont generate it, and the brain is not analog or digital only, the brain present some characteristics of these 2 without being any of these 2...

« My brain is a fractal antenna» -Groucho Marx

«It is only microtubules, idiot»  Harpo Marx
We must discuss things that matters, except for personal preference and anecdotal subjectives histories, always interesting for sure, but without consequences for our own history most of the times; I think that, for me personally, the embeddings of any audio system are of the utmost importance for the experience, even more important than technological engineering details and design.... Why ?

Because be it for my actual vintage s.s. Sansui amplifier, or for my future ZOTL dreamed Berning tubes amplifier, a contemporary technology, the embeddings are the most important factors for using any of the 2 at their optimal potential in the best environment, never mind their technological particular design....The same thing is true for speakers and dac or turntables.....Even for headphones but in a lesser way....

Vibrations-resonance controls, electrical house grid controls, and acoustical controls, are the 3 key factors for any gear of any design....
You will find @mahgister , that I will never fault anyone for their personal preference w.r.t. audio.
I dont doubt that for sure...

 And I am perfectly ok with your last post....

I dont judge vinyl nor digital users because of the relative incomparability of each rung on the Price/S.Q. ratio in play.... And also because of the refine technology we can use in the vinyl and in the digital case...

I myself use files most of the times and cd....For storage facility and for the high quality made possible by technology....

My regards to you....

Maybe we should go with the traditional definition of "audiophile" as one who pursues accuracy in audio reproduction (not their own personal taste, but accuracy), in which case, no one two talks about vinyl "perfection" would be included.
I dont want to discuss anymore the original question of the OP because this question dont make much sense for me...

This thing said, what is your definition of accuracy? Accuracy relative to a measuring apparatus or to the subjective hearing history experience of listeners?
Dont answer I guess what you will say.....You already wrote it for sure....But who want to exclude a vinyl afficionado of an audiophile club? Nobody for sure.....


When I make my choice about gear I look for the numbers and accuracy, and impedance compatibility etc...But at the end like any music listener I vouch for my ears judgement with or without numbers accuracy and I vouch for my medium of choice, be it vinyl or digital ....

«I never choosen my wives for their relative accuracy compared with the golden ratio» -Groucho Marx

« Perfect accuracy is not music» -Harpo Marx
Not only vinyl and cd are too much different to be really compared, especially if we use all rung of the scale for the possible gear; but no real event can be compared with a recorded event, because they are completely different experience... We must enjoy each for what it is, not for what it is not....
Vinyl fetishism is one thing that you cannot argue with Nyquist-Shannon theorem.... :)

I dont give a dam about the real motivation of the OP, I dont read soul, and I have answered his question, supposing that he want an answer and a discussion with me and others.... You corrected his view with yours but calling him names is not good politic....

I dont like hypocrites, class me with the idiots....I prefer that.... Thanks for the reclassification.... My best to you ….
It is quite obvious to me, and I expect many others reading this thread, that you don’t have any knowledge about sampled data systems, sampling theory, signal processing, nyquist-shannon, nor the impacts of things like signal to noise ratio, timing, bandwidth limited systems, etc. Based on your comments about turntables/vinyl, you don’t understand the limitations of that format in the most rudimentary way and based on your comments about music, I don’t think you have a good understanding of what real instruments sounds like.
It sound like to me that this is the repeating story of the straw and the beam...

We all know little in the ocean of knowledge.... Calmly pointing facts is not the same than harassing someone....

I dont doubt that all the knowledge you enumerate is truly yours, I have absolutely no doubts about your knowledge... Alas! is it the only knowledge you have? I apologize I am very sensible about the difference between harassing and discussing....  

For me being audiophile is not collecting costly gear, or debating about cables, or about digital versus analog, but more about improving the embeddings triple dimensions of any audio systems at any price, analog or digital....I prefer to use homemade cheap methods with guided listening experiments and they are very effective anyway....That is my clear answer to your question....
Sokogear I dont know if you are a neighbour or a plumber but he is not Einstein....And I am not Christ.... :)
For the cable problem, it is the pons asinorum of audio matters....No comment....
Didn’t Alberts’ neighBOHR give him plumbing advice ?
For sure and good Albert sometimes explain something, most of the times smiles only.....
Hee hee, until your next meal...
I will translate my aphorism for a better understanding....

Magic overriding mechanics dont supply bread in all prayers for sure... :)

Consciousness override the body in a way more manifest.... Is it clearer? :)

Christ was carpenter (mechanician) and not only magician... :)
In a cosmos without the concept of time, magic override mechanics....And we live in this universe without knowing it for the last thousand years till 1925.... Welcome to the eternal present....
Are you angry when someone cannot understand Q-bits and dont even try ?

I apologize for my question.....We are supposed to be all friends 
Einstein never mocked the physics knowledge of his neighbour, his plumber did.....  :)
I use plumber brass caps and copper tape and I transform all acoustic in my room….

This is audiophile madness turned real....

For the cost of a few bananas.....

Owning a turntable or a dac is way less important than the acoustical sphere of your room....
All parts vibrates, then we must controls resonance...

The electrical grid of the house must be cleaner....

The room is not an external part of your ears, it is an internal part of your hearing apparatus...Then we must controls acoustic...

These are the 3 embeddings of any audio system....The important question is how to address the embeddings....

All the rest, vinyl versus digital, costly electronics,etc, are beside the essential points to create your own Hi-FI paradise... No money is needed, only listening experiments and homemade low cost materials...

Then the question of The OP dont make sense for me....By the way I am an audiophile and I listen to my 10,000 cd and files (classical, Jazz, Indian, Persian-Iranian mainly)....

The Russian Lada 4 by 4 I owned was my favorite car because I can go anywhere in the forest roads and not be afraid of destroying it at a high cost because this car cost peanuts 25 years ago and it was easy to repair it at very low cost.... :) Then a pleasure to ride.....I apologize for being a bit "provocative" here but the thread is a bit provocative also....

" Gives me your favorite road, I will gives you the corresponding car"- Groucho Marx