Should Manufacturers Post Prices In Ads

You have $1500 to spend for a preamp and you spot a sexy unit advertised in Stereophile. The ad pitch is compelling so you decide to spend the next 15 minutes of your life calling the company or contacting the website to find an authorized dealer. Guess what happens next ? Your dream preamp sells for $15,000 not $1500 and zap you are back here looking for a used classic. If manufactures had the nerve to post prices on their ads they could save the dealer and us a lot of time and trouble. If this has ever happenede to you how did you feel about it ?

Showing 1 response by patmatt

I have a feeling that one very important reason for a manufacturer to not show price is because thay want to have the chance to make you interested in their product first. Secondly, for you to go to your nearest dealer and have a listen. Third, to make a decision as to whether you like it enough to WANT to buy it. Obviously, you'll want to know the price soon afterwards if you're interested.
Now, you may think the above paragraph somewhat dishonest,or defending dishonest activity, but consider how many times in your life you went out shopping for something with money being the biggest determining factor and were scared off because of a big ticket. Later, you found out, and possibly too late, that you were blinded to all of the value the product actually offered because of the emphasis you placed on the bottom line. In these instances,you may have done yourself a diservice.
To put it another way, have you ever fallen in love with any product that later you found out you just couldn't afford at the time? Did it inspire you to work harder, be motivated and have pleasant dreams of ownership while you saved your pennies? And when the day of purchase finally came, were you not exceedingly happy regardless of any nonsense happening in your life at the time?
Manufacturers of the great high-end KNOW this about you and me. They also know that you may never give yourself and them the chance at some happiness if all you want is to SEE the bottom line instead of hearing it.
Just some food for thought..........