Should I upgrade from B&W CDM 7SEs to Quad 22L2s

I have endured my current setup for about a year now. Been in this addiction for about that long. I am driving the B&Ws with a Rotel BB-1080. Source is a CI-Audio VDA-2 fed by a squeezebox, with a Monolithic PA-1 preamp. I am about to upgrade my amp to an Odyssey Stratos Stereo with upgraded caps. Wanted advice as to whether I should change out my speakers for the Quads. Don't know where I can audition the Quads here in Minneapolis, so was hoping to get some input as to the virtues of going ahead with this switch. My main problem the B&Ws is its harsh treble. I am hoping the new amp will smooth it out, but I am pretty pessimistic about that. Will the Quads be less treble heavy, and overall a better speaker. Thanks in advance for all counsel.

Showing 1 response by iplaynaked

Whatever you do, if you want to learn how to make great sound from your system, I strongly suggest that you only change one variable out at a time! - otherwise you'll never know where you're really at!
I'd say that the biggest change (besides acoustical upgrades) would be the speaker change. If, overall, you like the sound of your current speakers, then I'd say try another amp, pre, cables, etc, yes. If you're not thrilled, the speakers will be the biggest change. Then, if you like the speakers you're working with, THEN try other associated gear, wires, power-conditioning, etc.
I say, if you got the upgrade itch, and you want to try the Quads, I recommend you follow that seed, and see where it takes you.
good luck