Should I trade-up from my Krell KAV 300?

My system is a Krell KAV 300, Meridian G08, and Thiel 2.3 speakers. My interconnects are Creative Cable (Music Direct used to sell them for $375). My speaker cables are Synergistic Research (about) $500. My room is small and I listen at relatively low levels, mostly classical piano, some symphonies.
Should I invest in a used Krell KAV 400 or instead invest in better interconnects or speaker cables?
Thanks for your help.
Hi Matti, Before I purchased the KAV 300 I phoned Thiel corporate and talked to one of the engineers. She said the 300 and the 2.3 Thiels would be a great match. She also said one of the guys at Thiel was driving the large 7.2's with the 300 and had no issues. I've been pleased with the pairing.
Completely from memory, I believe the toroid in the 400xi is very slightly larger than the S300i (800va vs 750va or something like that.)

I have double checked, and found out that transformer sizes/ratings are as follows:

KAV-300i - 450VA/13cm
Pic 1

KAV-300iL/400xi - 750VA/17cm
Pic 2

S-300i - 750VA/18cm

(for those not familiar with metric system, 2,5cm = 1 inch)

The S-300i looks to be much bigger in size than the one used in 400xi 'cos it is potted. If we adjust the size for the extra size of the pot (1cm extra), the transformers may well be identical.
I might suggest that if you listen at low levels you might well consider a pair of new speakers rather than change anyting else out of your system. A 6db gain in speaker sensitivity should be transformational. Do not get me wrong, I am not attacking the Thiel speakers. It is just that in my opinion you have to drive them pretty hard to get near their full musical potential.


Or better still - high sensivity speakers with a SET amp. Such a combo offers much different sonic perspective, but at a cost.
You should really put the whole product number because they use KAV300 (something) on several things (even know this is the AMP section)

Anyway, I have the KAV300CD player and I would not trade it for two reasons. 1. It is the best sounding player I have heard, AND i have owned and used many many high end players 2. Since it is basically a TEAC, it is 100% repairable, as mine has been, by any local repair guy worth his salt. Unlike some other models that are Philps, which from what I undersand, are not always repairable and when they die you are SOL.