Should I repair my Creek 4330 or replace it?

The thing is, I have loved it since I first bought it 25 years ago. But its left channel went silent a month ago and the local repair shop (HiFi Heaven in Falls Church, Virginia) fixed it twice. Each time, it sounded great for a few days and then the left channel died again. Now my choices are (1) send it off or (2) replace it.

Any thoughts on either option? Where/what/etc?

Thanks, all!

Showing 6 responses by kotta

Why couldn't HiFi Heavan  find and correct the problem? Twice? I hope they didn't charge you much for their work. I once owned Creek seperates and a 4330 SE. So many pieces have come and gone...I'd say find a shop that could fix for a reasonable amount of money. What repair shops does Creek recommend? 25 yrs old is nothing. Just breaking in! Can't think of too many new pieces of gear I'd buy to replace what you have. I will say the Musical Fidelity M2 si for $569 (Upscale Audio) would merit consideration more so than the Music Hall 15.3 in my mind. Now buying used...5350 SE or an older Arcam Alpha series int. amp. I absolutely love the the musicality/sound my recapped Alpha 10 int. amp makes. Runs hot and has 100w per channel. The extra power sure has a way of improving how your speakers sound. Good Luck!
We are considering two used vs. new int. amps. The Arcam and Creek had list prices at least twice what you can buy for used. The MF lists for $999 and can be bought for $600 new. IMO, the Musical Hall is not in the same class as the rest. BUT, I have no experience w/any of these models. Let me throw one more int. amp out there for you to consider. The Teac AI-1000. New $499/$999 retail. (HIFI Heaven) I remember these @ a local dealer and everyone was impressed w/this model. (I remember on Amazon they had this model for $380 new and I didn't pull the trigger! ) Now the real question is how are they going to sound w/your Epos'? You have a mellow amp w/mellow speakers listening to classical. A more forward amp w/more top end treble may push you from a musical listening experience to an analytical listening. Short term wow but not a long session pleasure/involvement. (I'm sure you understand this.) Now the question. If you bought whichever amp and have to resell what will be the  easiest to resell and lose as little as possible? Tough call! I know recapping a Creek would involve many capacitors! I just though of one other used int. amps to consider...Rega Brio3. Follow your gut on this one. (I think you're leaning towards the Creek 5350.) Best....Bill.
I'm not so sure how many opinions you're going to get here on AudiogoN. I really suggest you do some research and read as much as possible. I really think you should wait for your Creek to come from service and see how things sound. I don't know what cabling you as using as this can make a world of improvement. I can't speak highly enough of Qed Signature spk. wire. Very reasonably priced and great sounding cable from Future Shop UK. Also, my recent purchase of Wireworld Equinox 7 (when it was offered for sale @ 50% off.) has been wonderful. I will say, when I purchase a piece of audio equipment (esp. used) I'm very mindful of the seller's rating/comments and what kind of things they sell. (Ebay) You may be making a lateral move. If buying new, see what satisfaction policy the seller has. Nothing like trying out in your system. I just checked on Ebay and there is one amplifier I would buy in a heartbeat. (Under $200 from what seems like a reputable seller.) Par it up w/ a nice pre-amp (Rotel RC-972/Schiit Saga, etc.) and for very little $ have a VERY nice sounding system. One finally note: I own three pieces of Arcam gear and their customer service when I asked for a part was stellar. (They even shipped it free!) There's a silver A-18 for $399 on Ebay. Preceded the A-19, their newest model. Reading on line some opinions of the two, I sense the A-18 had a warmer midrange but less sparkle and wasn't as dynamic (powerful). Don't know about the A-28 but being in a higher price point would put it into a higher class I would think. I hope all works out well for you. Bill.
Absolutely.  One needs to plan/dream and look towards the future. I did end up buying an amp yesterday. (Wasn't planning on it but this thread brought back memories as I once owned Creek separates many, many yrs. ago. A nice little Creek A42. 50w power amp. Doesn't have the multiple capacitors as your 4330 or A43. Small,compact and refined. Just what I needed for one system in the living room. Please follow up on how things are going. 
I have quite a few systems put together, all very moderate/inexpensive to AudiogoN standards. Using Prism Labs 22/33 ( Australian 8n solid cu) as well as some older Wireworld Oasis 3/3+ (which I bought used for $10 per cable pair.) In my modest reference system, better Wireworld and Furutech IC's. QED Revelation spk. cables. Upgraded power cords as well as dedicated ac line just for stereo. Your system must sound very nice!  Too bad about your FM stations. I have PBS/Roanoke College and many other good radio stations to listen to. Next I'll be streaming one day hopefully. 
Thanks for the follow-up. I'm glad the Creek is working well again. Not sure how long capacitors last, but when the time comes for your Creek, please check out "Kendeil" from Italy. I ordered from Greece the ones my Arcam Alpha 10 int. amp needed. Wow...what an improvement. ($40 total w/my own labor to install.) BTW, the Creek A42 I bought on Ebay arrived and it is a wonderful sounding compact amp. Definitely hear the class and pedigree. Good listening! Bill.