Should I Reduce Speaker Cable Length?

I am considering upgrading my speaker cables. I am currently using Signal Cable bi-wired. I have a GamuT D200 MKII driving Martin Logan reQuests (in which I have modified the crossovers with TRT DynamiCaps). I would like to go to Purist Audio Venustas speaker cables. I have my amp in a custom cabinet that I built, placed in the living room on the side wall. The speakers are at the end of the living room, on each side of the fireplace. The length of speaker wire I need is 20-22 feet to reach the farthest speaker. When I replace the wires, should I relocate the amp and reduce the speaker cable length to 10 feet?

I am interested in hearing from anyone who has the actual experience of trying different speaker cable lengths with the same brands (not necessarilly the Venustas, but your brand) of speaker cables and interconnects used in the comparisons.
Depending on the gauge you are going to use, I don't see a need to move them closer unless you have to. 22 feet for any decent cable is not that far at all. I would also doubt that you will hear much difference by swapping the cables in the first place. Sorry but I'm not one who buy's into the mega price marketing hype that goes with speaker cables.

Thanks for your encouragement. I have friends who recently bought upgraded Tara Labs cables. We introduced them into my system, with noticable improvement. The cables are about 6 feet long, and I am not sure if the biggest improvement came from the reduced length, or superior cables.


I have always heard that you should have a minimum of 8 feet per cable anyway. Bad part is I have no idea if that is true or not. I have a pair of ascent i's coming and due to room constraints I can only place them about 12 feet apart but I have 10 foot speaker cables which gives me the opportunity to go 20 apart (next house maybe). Sorry if this is no help.