Should I Keep my Second CD Player?

I have two CD players in my system: an Oppo 105 universal player and a Sim Moon Audio Supernova.

I am keeping the Oppo because it plays everything:   Sacds, Dvd Audio, Blu-Ray and Dvds.

I am on the fence between keeping the supernova or selling it.

Looking for some opinions/comments from the forum members to consider before I make my decision.


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Showing 1 response by drlou77

@lcherepkai Forgot to mention that my Oppo 105 was extensively modified by Dan Wright.  It included a separate power supply with rectifier tubes, etc.  The cost of the mod was greater than the cost of the Oppo st the time.  You are correct in stating that it sounds very musical.  Plus it plays everything splendidly.


Yes, I am most certainly keeping this one. 😎