Should I end my search

I will preface my statements by saying I have never really heard significant differences in cables until I changed my powercords. The aforementioned experience has led me to search for cables to complete my current system. Based on a recommendation I started my search with Silver Audio. I received Silver Audio's Jet Stream and Appassionata inter-connect a couple of days ago. In addition, I received Symphony 48 speaker cable. I have the Jet Stream going from CD player to preamp and Appassionata from preamp to amp. Prior to Silver Audio, I had Kimber Hero inter-connect and Clear Day Audio Double Shotgun speaker cable. I began by having my wife listen to some of her favorite music with the lights off. She immediately said, “That I changed something”. It was apparent from the first note something was different. I don’t want to exaggerate, but this is what I heard: Soundstage bigger, detailed, but smoother than before, bass fuller, more defined soundstage, inner detail that was missing before, at one point my wife said “that she could almost see the singer move closer to the mike”, I believe that was the result of the cable’s ability to highlight subtle changes in dynamics. Since this is the first relatively expensive cable that I’ve heard, should I listen to other cables.

Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

Sounds like we share a desire for accuracy. I followed much the same path, regarding interconnects, though a bit farther up the Kimber line(KCAG), between pre and monoblocks, before purchasing Silver's Hyacinths(I've got Kimber KS-1130s, CDP to PRE). I was very happy with those for a few years, then tried a pair of Wireworld Platinum Eclipses(pre to amps). Much more inner detail, dynamics and blacker background. BUT- my sound stage went away(narrower/shallower). I auditioned Synergistic Research's Tesla Apex(via The Cable Co.), and found their presentation virtually identical to the Eclipses', but my sound stage was back. Immediate purchase, at a very comfortable price. Try Synergistic's power cables- excellent(fast accurate bottom and dynamics to die for)!
I've not tried Shunyata PCs, but have some PS Audio xStream Statement SCs, which are now on my video system(OPPO BDP-83 and Sharp AQUOS), having been displaced by SR's active A/C Master Couplers. You won't be sorry, if you try the SR products. BTW- I should have mentioned; while both the Eclipse and Apex offered more detail, and extended upper freqs than my Hyacinths, they were both less sibilant(on my brighter recordings). Happy listening!