Short List of Amps I prefer over the Pass Labs XA25 or INT 25

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I owned the Pass XA25 for several months and had a chance to compare it against some other amps. The original question asks which, if any, do you "prefer" over it. Any answer to that question is going to depend on at least two variables: your personal tastes and your speakers. Amps will sound different when driving different loads.
In the end I preferred the Parasound Halo amps. In my case it was the A21. I auditioned several amps and what I heard always boiled down to a judgment between transparency vs dynamics. Yes, the Pass was more transparent than the Parasound. However, the Parasound provided considerably greater punch and rhythmic drive and offered decent musicality to boot. In the end, this simply reflected my personal taste, and I might have felt differently had I been using different speakers. The impedance of the speakers I use drops down to about 2.8 ohms in the low end and requires an amp with a really beefy power supply and a lot of current to sound good.
Interestingly, purely in terms of musicality the amp I liked the most was the Yamaha A-S2100 integrated. However, it sounded even more anemic than the Pass in terms of dynamic drive, not that the Pass sounded anemic. These are all relative assessments.