Shopping for a preamp

I’m in the market for a preamp. I use a Rogue Cronus Magnum Integrated. I have been looking at phono-pre’s which is fine if I use my integrated as a line stage and power amp. I am also thinking long term so I may be best suited to buy a preamp with built in pre and add a power amp down the road. Budget is between $2,500-$4K.

I've had my eye on:

Herron VTPH2
Whest Three Signature
Pass Labs XP-15

I welcome all recommendations on those listed above as well as for other phono-pre’s or for a preamp with built in phono-pre.

My set-up:

Rogue Cronus Magnum
Zu Soul MkII
VPI Scout 1.1
Soundsmith Zephyr MkII
Zu Cabling

Showing 7 responses by asp307

@czbbcl what do you like about the Herron? I am looking for a 3D image, lowered noise floor, etc. thanks for the insight.
@adg101 Can you tell me more about what you like with the MW LS100? I am currently using tubes for power amp. Do you use this preamp and if so what associated gear is in your rig?
@czbbcl thanks for the details. Did you audition other units before purchasing the Herron? If so, please list and also provide details as to what sold you on the Herron vs. the comps. Thanks.
@adg101 Thanks for the info. I like rocking out and my system is a lot of fun. I upgraded my outlets to Furutech GTX-D Rhodiums with dedicated lines. Although still breaking in the noise floor has dropped and dynamics have increased. I want to continue with this type of vibe however with a great 3D holographic preamp with phono. Currently I use an MI cart and would like to try MCs.

Several months back I auditioned a Rogue Ares and a Simaudio Moon 310LP (w/o external PS) and I preferred the solid state phono-pre instead of the tubes from a company that I already use with my integrated. I just felt it was too much tube. The SS balanced the tube integrated which was I using as a power amp.
@abrew19 Thanks, what amp/speakers are you using and what are the ARC Ref2's best qualities?
@abrew19 Thanks, yes I am looking for a preamp with phono. I really liked the New Record Day review of the Pass XP-15 and he too uses it with a Cronus Magnum so although the source and speakers differ, there are still some parallels. I auditioned the Rogue Ares tube preamp and I just didn't care for the tube on tube. Too much for me. I enjoyed an SS phono-pre matched with my tube power amp. 
Thanks everyone for your input. I've decided to audition the Pass Labs XP-15 and the Herron VTPH-2. Mark at Reno Hifi has been very helpful and Keith Herron called me directly to discuss and we had a great conversation.

i should have the Pass by next Wednesday and the Herron shortly thereafter and will provide a critique once broken in.

Incidentally, Modwright never got back to me.