Shopping for a new netbook or laptop...

Hoping to get some advice. I'm not very computer savvy. I'm looking for a netbook simply to listen to internet radio and browse the web. I'll hook it up to my 2 channel system via USB cable and external DAC. Borrowed my wife's work laptop today to listen to Pandora. Are there any critical hardware components or performance specs I should be looking for? Will the quality of the computer's sound card have any effect on things? Don't really see myself downloading music files etc, so don't think I need a huge hard drive (but maybe I should). Thanks in advance for your time and input. If something recent on this topic has already been posted, please let me know. I missed it, if so. Thanks again.

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Apple is no more reliable than average PC

Asus, Sony, and Toshiba are top.

Most netbook runs Window XP but slowly migrating to Window 7, Window XP is not that great in streaming out digital music via USB, you will need to run ASIO4ALL with XP for better sound.