Shopping for a new netbook or laptop...

Hoping to get some advice. I'm not very computer savvy. I'm looking for a netbook simply to listen to internet radio and browse the web. I'll hook it up to my 2 channel system via USB cable and external DAC. Borrowed my wife's work laptop today to listen to Pandora. Are there any critical hardware components or performance specs I should be looking for? Will the quality of the computer's sound card have any effect on things? Don't really see myself downloading music files etc, so don't think I need a huge hard drive (but maybe I should). Thanks in advance for your time and input. If something recent on this topic has already been posted, please let me know. I missed it, if so. Thanks again.

Showing 1 response by elf73

As I understand it, if you're a tweaker and into optimizing a playback program like Foobar with optimizing plugins, changing settings etc... then a Windows operating system is the better choice.

These people are very very passionate about their sound. This may be unfair but it reminds me of the solid state vs tubes argument. The windows people being spec "centric".

It's also about 30-40% cheaper.

Although then you have to deal with endless new operating system ugrades (per year or two), anti-virus sccans, slow start up etc.

Every inexpensive windows system I've had has crashed, or severely slowed down over time. Probably something to do with the way the operating systems function, software compatiability etc.

If you're just into plug and play. A user (computer for dummies) friedly interface. A computer for simple life style stuff (pictures, music, movies).

Apple is the way to go. You don't need anything fancy, since you're not really needing a lot of processing power to play music and watching a photo slideshow when the in-laws are over.

Although, I'd imagine you'd want at least a 120-160 gb internal hard drive. The smaller the quieter though, and if you're going to buy an external hard drive anyways then never mind.

Just something quiet.

If I were you, I'd look on Craigslist and look for a Mac Mini, especially if you have a TV near your system. Some even come with small LCD monitors. LIkely $300-500.

They leave virtually no footprint. It's like the size of a small brick. You can get external hard drives in the same shape. Quite aesthetically pleasing.

I would think you would want the mini-toslink optical out. In which case you want one of the later intel Mac Minis (doesn't have to be core2duo...but a intel core processor.. supposedly the older ones are better). Use a Vandenhul Optocoupler II (mini-toslink to toslink cable.. thus no adapters $100) glass cable.

IF you're sure you'll never use the optical output and only USB out, than the PowerPC chip G5s are fine, and super cheap ... like $200-300.

If you're using an external DAC, the soundcard shouldn't matter at all. But I'd imagine that apple's hardware (connectors etc) are of higher quality than a $300 notebook.

And btw, should you have a problem or question with you Mac OSX, google is your best friend. Less but more diehard-geek users, easier to find answers to your specific question when searching the vast WWW.

If you do buy new, use your gold or platinium card to double manufacturers warranty (works in Canada).

This is from my experience. I hated computers before, my macbook opened up a whole new world to me, it was so smooth and quick, searching the net was more convenient, thus I did it more, learning (and shopping.. read audio nervosa...) more. More confidence, equals more fun.

Yes, I am biased. Get a Mac Mini (used preferably off Craigslist).

happy hunting.