shopping and need advice

I moved cross country and left my speakers behind. I am hoping I can get some advice from you audiogeeks...err I mean audiophiles ;) I had Rega Ela and loved the silky mids and trebble, but they just can't move your hips with hip hop or electronic or funk. I had vandersteen 2ci and they could certainly make "your booty go POW", but I really dont have room for those behemoths anymore, they would take over my space + I didn't think they sounded as good in the mid/high as my Rega.

I will be looking used, probably in the 7-1100 range. Can you make any suggestions that might help out? I would like a narrowish tower or perhaps monitor size. also if you know of any good hifi shops in the Albany NY area I would love to know of them.

Nad M4 signiture, NAD CD, analysis plus oval-12 speaker wire, kimber and DimMarzio connects.

Showing 2 responses by klaypigeon

Thanks! I have researched your responses and based on my findings I am going to check out the PSB T65 and T6. I think either of those will deliver the bass punch I am looking for as well as delivering a good stage in general. I have owned Klipsch before and didn't care for them and need a bigger sound than the totem and LX-10s deliver, a buddy has a modded set. Any more ideas? Keep it coming!
Ya, that is the major issue I am facing. I am not so flush that I can afford to just buy speakers by mail just to check them out. I would love to put my ears on some, but that is looking less and less of an option. So, business opportunity for someone. It might be better to land someplace like Saratoga Springs where there is a concentration of disposable income. Come on, someone open a shop!!!