Shop in Pittsburgh? Want to listen to 845 amp.


I've been in Pittsburgh for a year now and haven't stumbled across any high-end shops, and have yet to see any advertise online. There's has to be at least one, doesn't there?

I'm someone could point me in the right direction I'd appreciate it. Specifically want to check out the 845 sound. Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by aolmrd1241

Jebel, The sound store was in monroeville mall, as it happens this was the first place that i bought my first "serious system" as a kid. I remember their showroom floor was packed like a sardine can , could hardly move without bumping into something.. That system consisted of a technics reciever,bic tt, and a pair of sonic art(remember them) speakers, WOW seems like a million years ago.. I used to blast that system in my bedroom and drive my parents "nuts". Lots of tt feedback but man did it rock-out...(:^)...
look in the verizon yellow pages under stereophonic and home-theater. good luck... call Mark at northern audio, maybe he can help. 412-931-5850...
Quartet, I think you mean Michael Kline, I do believe Howard Swimmer bought that shop... Michael now owns Lets Make Music... I also remember that small upstairs shop on Forbes, sort of a little clandestine operation, He carried EAD at the time... Don't know if either shop is still in business...
Jebel, your right, it was wanders in monroeville mall , thanks for the heads up...long time ago!!!