Shootout: Raidho C3.1 vs Vivid Giya 2

Similar specs, similar cost, which would you buy?

No contest Vivid any time, the Vivids produce great bass, can play louder, and are more dynamic.

One might argue that the Raidho's are a touch more transparent, but can not match the Vivid's in the areas were the Vivids reign supreme.

Both speakers throw a big sound stage, the Vivid's will still produce a larger one.

Quite frankly both of these speakers are awesome and your can't go wrong with either one, it is my opinion that the Vivid's are the more complete speaker.
And If they are both great speakers and you can't go wrong w either then how can the Vivid be no contest better?? Could it be because you are a Vivid dealer???? Inquiring minds want to know.
Well, to be fair, it is probably true that both are great speakers and one probably wont be really disappointed with either. My question is really more about which is more complete. And i suppose that as with all audio, there is probably some degree of personal preference in terms of style of sound.

Dear Swampwater,

Dude take a chill pill, the guy is in SINGAPORE! I can't sell him either pair of speakers and there are dealers for both products there.

Everytime a dealer posts you guys like you go wacky thinking here is something to gain, I got no skin in this game.

My opinion is based on hearing both speakers. I really admire the Radhio's there tweeter is very airy and they are very high resolution devices, I have heard very few speakers at any price that can do dynamics or bass the way Vivid
s do. A famous story was when the G1 was introduced in Vegas Philp O Hanlon the importer was playing a Yello track with heavy bass and the ceiling cans were vibrated out of the ceiling! That demo was six years ago and I can still remember the visceral impact of those speakers.