shipping speakers

I was wondering how sensitive are speakers to shipping? Are they often broken in transit? Whats the best way to pack them?
I have shipped two pairs of speakers with FedEx and have had no problems. I think that the key is in the packaging. Both sets of speakers were in the 90lb/spkr range and double boxed . I received one pair of speakers, shipped through a trucking company, that were banded to a pallet. They were not double boxed and were received damaged .
U-haul sells a large 'wardrobe' box that is double wall thick and works quite well. It accepted JM Lab Electra 926 speakers in their original box's with enough room left for some 3/4" styrofoam wall insulation panels from the home store, for a little added buffering ! Cost was @ $50 for the box's and styrofoam, enough for one pair of speakers . Well worth it IMO . YMMV.
Good Luck
Saki70, those look like good-sized speakers but I think my Usher 8871s are larger yet. As I am getting ready to sell them I am thinking ahead and wondering what is the best way to ship these. I do have the orig boxes of course and even custom crates that are in ok shape. They are a little over 200 lbs each when crated. Any pointers appreciated!
Hello, would GREATLY appreciate advice on getting some fairly large speakers [missing their original packaging] packed well.. without adding $300 to the price ! Are there any nationwide places that would do a great job of this without tremendous expense? Thanking all in advance.
If your shipping med-large floorstanding speakers make sure you have them banded to a pallet, upright, (in original shipping boxes) where nothing else can be with them. That way its assured they will not be seperated or have other things on top of or even next to them.
I ran into a real quandry when I tried to sell my Alon Circe's. They were too big for Fedex and for UPS and the only other shipper in the area, BAX, required that they be shipped from a business. Since I work part time as a host for an NPR radio show, I tried registering this business with BAX. All went well, until they asked to come visit my "business" to make sure that it was legitimate. When I told them that the business was run out of my house, they said this would not work and that I was SOL.

The other option I was exploring was shipping the speakers from my wife's medical office. They would have had to get registered with BAX and I would have had to bring the speakers to her office for pick-up.

Fortunately, I then found a buyer who was willing to drive to Knoxville to pick up the speakers!

In these times, it is increasingly difficult to ship large items from individual to individual.
