Shipping heavy speakers from USA to Europe?

I have got problems shipping really heavy stuff, like von Schweikert VR10, from USA to Europe. For private persons there are weigth limits and insurence limits (10000USD) in most shipping ccompanies. What to do?
Can I use car shipping firms?
I second the Schenker recommendation. audioclassics just shipped my new McIntosh 501 mono amps with a weight of 140 or so pounds to Berlin flawlessly, fast and for only 400 dollars including insurance.
Regards, Florian Hassel
I used Schenker too and I'm going to use it again
next week from USA to Switzerland. Very good but the shipment was not so heavy (preamp)
Regards Sergio
I asked Schenker about shipping from USA to Sweden and they told me that they only deal with companies.

I just shipped by air two Wilson Audio Sophia 2 speakers with DHL Forwarding from LA to Norway. The receiver was a company. Maybe you have some friends with a company. They only need it for legal purposes. DHL / UPS should also be able to help you as a privat person.

Cheeers, Toffen G