Shipping boxes to Canada?

I have a few buyers from Canada. Is it complicated to ship a box to Canada vis UPS ground? I really hate to fill out forms after forms just to get pass the customs.

If you have shipped boxes to Canada via UPS ground, please share your experience with me. Thanks!

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

DO NOT SHIP UPS TO CANADA!!!! Case in point: I received a tuner via UPS, value $400. UPS charged me $188. Received a receiver a few weeks later postal, value $400, duties were $40. In fact, don't use UPS period, they bust stuff no matter where they're "shipping" boxes. The absolute worst in the business. As for filling out one form providing a description of the item (used CD player) stating the value of the item ($400), where it was built (U.S.A.), and the name of the shipper (you) and the receiver (the buyer) takes two minutes, no big deal.