Shindo pre amp and Auditorium Hommage T1 Tranny

Looking for some guidance and suggestions from all with this combo as to what cartridges you are using and from knowledge and or experience, which one's you would not recommend. Looking for info on other than then Denon, Miyabi ot Koetsu. I currenty use a Basis Vector arm with Transfiquration Temper Supreme cartridge. I don't have the transformer but I'm considering it.

Showing 1 response by wrp

My analog signal chain is an Amazon Referenz turntable, TriPlanar arm, ZYX Universe .24mv MC cartridge, Auditorium Hommage and Shindo Giscours preamp. The Hommage was a recent addition which brought improvements to transparency, image density, macro/micro dynamics as well as lowering the noise floor.

I was very happy with my analog setup before purchasing the Hommage, but immediately heard the benefits as soon as I added the Hommage. I've noticed improvements in musical flow and bass definition as the T1 has broken in over the last few months. Hope this helps.