Shindo Monbrison better a RedWine Isabella?

I'm consistently intrigued by the Shindo gear, and I'm eyeballing a Monbrison pre to replace my Redwine Audio Isabella pre. I've currently got the system synergy thing going with RedWIne 70.2s (all Auditorium cabling, Devore Nines). Am I barking up the wrong tree here and about to destroy a good thing, or can I expect higher levels of audio engagement with the Shindo at the heart of things? Thank you in advance.

Showing 3 responses by ahendler

The Shindo equipment is supposed to be a synergistic match with the Devore speakers. I put a Shindo Auriges pre into my system and it was startling how musical and emotionally connecting my system is now . ASL Hurricanes driving Magnapan 1.6qr's. Go for the Shindo. You will not regreat it.
Shindo stocks a large supply of spare parts for there products. Tubes, caps and anything else. He has been in business for 25 years and this has never been a problem
I have my Shindo Auriges with a pair of Hurricane monoblocks and the Shindo magic is there