Shindo Monbrison balance issue?


anyone experienced this with their Monbrison (or other Shindo preamps)?

When playing at low volume, the sound is biased towards one side but once the volume is turned up, the level seems to balance itself...... i discovered this when I was burning in my set at low volume and when vocals are played - the voice will "shift" from one side to center as the volume is increased!

I have swapped the interconnects (left -right) going into and then out of the Monbrison to check if source or power amp could be the problem but the results seem to confirm that it is the Monbrison.

Another issue that I encountered accidentally was when playing cd and switching the input selector to other inputs, I can hear the music albeit at very low levels throught the speakers!! is this normal?

aside from these two worrying discoveries, the Monbrison sounds great!

thanking you in advance for your feedback.

best regards

Anyone tried swapping their original pots with with a TKD pot? i know that most dont recommend altering their Shindo preamps (even tube rolling) as it has been carefully voiced with its specified components.... just wondering whether changing the pot will cause any noticable change in the Shindo sound.... I'm not trying to improve the sound but this volume imbalance issue is becoming more noticable and beginning to irritate.... I'm going to send the preamp back to the dealer but am wondering whether to ask him to change it to a TKD...
many thanks.
The Shindo potentiometers are specified at around 0.8dB (10%). The TDK are specified at 0.5dB (5%) in the high attenuation range. Alps Blue Velvet would be around 1.0-2dB (12-25%).

You may gain a little more in accuracy, but you may still be able to tell if you run the volume in the high attenuation range. I bought 3 Alps Blue Velvet for a replacement in my Fi and none would have been much better than what I already have. All resulted in mistracking at low levels. Reducing gain in the chain fixed things...
Hi, I am using the Shindo Monbrison preamplifier (the older version designed by Ken Shindo)

I remove the tubes to clean preamplifier and now I cannot remember the position of the 2 pieces of 12AU7 and  2 pieces of 12AT7. Please help me. Viewing the amplifier from the front on the right hand side there are two tubes one top and one bottom. Is the top tube 12AU7 and bottom tube 12AT7? Moving to the back (right hand side of the preamp) there are also two tubes one on left and one on right. Is the left tube 12AU7 and right tube 12AT7??

Can anyone out there help me.


KW Chai
I had the same problem when I owned a Monbrison years back. The distributor got me replacements valves sent from Shindo direct as both the PCL88 ( I think that’s what they were) looked completely different. 

It didn’t help and I ended up selling it and moved. Given the crazy price for Shindo equipment you’d think it wouldn’t happen. 

I had a Leben CS600 prior that used the same volume pot and had no problems whatsoever. Go figure?
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