Shindo Masseto w Koetsu .3mv output

Hoping to get opinions on whether the MC stage of a Shindo Masseto has enough gain to produce strong dynamics from a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Platinum cartridge  (.3mv output). Or would I need a SUT?


Bonus question: any opinions on whether I would get better overall sound using an Aurieges pre (newer version) w an Hommage SUT through its MM section, or by playing straight into the MC section of a Masseto? The cost of each of these setups could be close to one another on the used market. When I say better sound, my priorities are a very organic "you are there midrange", lots of instrumental textures, realistic soundstage cues, and overall emotional impact of the music.


Thanks very much for any thoughts. My table is a Sota Nova vacuum and tonearm is Jelco TK-850 10". Amps are Quicksilver v4 monoblocks.


Showing 1 response by acman3

Shindo put volume controls on his amps to deal with the high gain. Most Shindo preamps have issues with high gain on other amps when using  high efficiency speakers.