Shindo Masseto + Coincident Frankenstein versus Nagra 300i integrated

For a while, I have been saving up to buy a Shindo preamp to complete my system (Devore O96, AMR DP-777, Coincident 300b Frankensteins).
I am now ready to buy a Shindo preamp, but now suddenly I feel the itch to completely change my system (sell the Franks), and go for a Nagra 300i.
I had once heard a Nagra 300i connected to the O93 and it was heavenly. Also it would feel good to replace 3 boxes (2 mono amps, 1 preamp) with a single integrated amp. I am big fan of minimalism.
But is this a sonically correct move?
Or should I wait for my itch to subside and go for that Shindo preamp ?
The retail price of both options are the same, around 20K.

Showing 1 response by kingrex

If you can live without a remote control you should look at the First Sound preamp.  It's an exceptional Preamp for the cost. I have the Mark 3 SI.

There is a First Sound Paramount on audiogon for $7,500. That preamp surpasses mine. You could also send it back to Emmanuel the owner of first sound and he would mod it to the SI. That is another substantial upgrade. At that level I really don't know that there's anything out there that's better, just different