Shindo Auriegies MM - Blue styrofoam under tubes?

Bought a Shindo Auriegies used (older two-box unit) and it just arrived - unboxing and I see that it has a blue piece of styrofoam wedged under the tubes. Do I leave it there? I'd have to take off the top to take it out - it' wedged under there pretty firmly. I'm inclined to remove it but looking on Google images I see that the only pic I could find of the back of a unit similar to mine also had the blue foam in there. Any info appreciated, thanks
I kind of feel that way too but guy who sold it to me just emailed and said he’d left it in. Listening to it now with it in - sounds... you know. Like magic. But I just can’t imagine it’s supposed to be in there
My vote is to take it out. I had one with no foam. Pretty sure it’s just for shipping.