Shindo and Coincident

To coincident TE 2 owners (or any coincident owners)
Any experience with Shindo gear - specifically the Cortese?
This is all about my recent infatuation with SE amps.
My Yamamoto A-08S seemed overwhelmed, but there were moments of pure palpable midrange bliss. My Manley neo 250 in triode just does not reproduce that magical feeling. So I am thinking either Frankenstein, Art Audio, or most intriguing of all - Shindo Cortese. Please respond if you can enlighten me.

Showing 3 responses by das

So far I have nods for Canary, Wavelength, and Wyetech labs. Still no word on Shindo, Art Audio or the Frankensteins. This should be a very instructive thread for me and anyone vested in the Coincident TE2 and SET amps. Please keep your thought coming.
I agree with Aronsss, this thread is about gear synergy not a certain distributors reputation. Let us assume I will purchase new from a dealer. Has anyone head coincident speakers with those beautiful Shindo amps?
Yea, it seems the Franks are the obvious way to go. You can't audition any of these amps, even here in Chicago. Just wanted to get some informed thoughts before I pull the trigger (yet again). I dream of achieving audio nirvana this time so I don't I have to waste my every minute surfing and researching audio gear. Thanks everyone for your input

PK Das