Shigaraki and other simplistic gear

I am fed up. I have amassed a collection of to date, 4 amplifiers, 2 preamps, as well as 3-4 pairs of speakers, and the more that I try to achieve a pleasing performance, spending not inconsiderate amounts of money, I soon become desillusioned. Therefore, I am in the last stage of my audiophilia ridiculosa....I have ordered some cabinets from a speaker maker, to properly have my fostex full range driver housed, and I am in the path of either running them with my stashed 300B Platinum edition Assemblage amplifier along with WE tubes...or, I am truly considering acquiring the 47 labs Shigaraki integrated. What I wonder is the type of sound I will get from the Shigaraki set up. Some people have loved the Gaincard to death, but then, the Shigaraki seems to have a different sound. Have anyone here compared the Gaincard with SET tube amp and also heard the new integrated? I wonder. If you are the unlikely candidate who have the fortune of comparing all the about, then, what sort of speaker was used for the set up. Will I reach nirvana with the combination of shiny aluminum and ceramic pieces?

Showing 6 responses by viggen

Sorry, I haven't tried them all but am a happy owner of the Gaincard. For all I know is the Shigaraki sounds a tad warmer than the Gaincard. And, your giving up 5 wpc. But, that probably doesn't matter since Fostex are really easy to drive.

I think you will be happy as long as you take EMI/RFI and vibration into consideration.
Regarding the issues I brought up, these are under the assumption that you are building a sensitive system. This type of system will probably more likely amplify interferences in the signal path. Yah, sorry for opening up a whole new can of worms.
Those Jordan drivers are 4.8 ohms. I wonder if they will benefit with autoformers that are on the ads here in low wattage application.
Bemopti, I know exactly how you feel. I moved many times in the last ten years without any help. And, this was including the times when I had home theater gear including 60lbs amps, 80lbs+ speakers and a 120lbs TV. During my last move, even with smaller audio gear, I deferred my muscles to a moving company. I just can't carry anything heavy anymore.

Anyways, I think the Garudas is a good choice. Incase you don't know, visit I think it is something similar and has a lot of good reviews.

Dave, I don't think I have any impedance problems. The Jordans and Gaincard are matched together by 47Labs after all. Even the 6moons' review of the Essence speaker is driven by the Shigaraki which has a much smaller PSU and 5 less wpc. But, I read a lot of posts stating the Gaincard and Shigaraki likes 8ohms or higher speakers. So, I am just wondering whether the autoformers will be a good tweak in my system. I am very weary about whether the autoformer will change the sound of my system though (adding impurities to the signal).

Regarding the autoformer, I think all it does it reduce the speakers resistance to make it easier to drive by the amp. I am not sure if there is anything more to them, or if I am correct at all.
Yup Bemopti, we actually have the same philosophy in terms of systems building. Instead of using the autoformers, I should look to getting a second Humpty. Supposedly, this will allow my system sound less stressed as what I thought the autoformer can do but possibly with more drawbacks.

I don't have a Viggen, but that is where my username is from. Reasons I don't have a Viggen:
Front wheel drive
Long throw clutch and not so close ratio shifter.
I cannot afford.
I know I am giving up a bit on bass and detail with the Jordan speakers. But I don't miss it at all. The system I got now is by far more musical and easy to listen to all day long. Plus, they are way better looking as well as easier on the knees and back. Then again, I am no bass or detail freak and am someone who is intrigued by small electronic gadgets such as the Card. Too bad I don't use a turntable because that Bent Audio MC step up transformer would look gorgeous in my system haha. OK, do you think that technician of yours know your taste very well? SET certainly isn't for everyone. I've read lots of people successfully integrate their Fullrange single drivers with REL subs. Visit that horn shoppe site I recommended, and there are more subs they recommend with Fostex drivers.