Audioengr you forgot some, but that is OK....My suggestion is to go unshielded and take them to the Fuddruckers off Broadway in the alley and put them in the bottom of a bucket of beer until you finish up the longnecks to treat them cryogenically and once a year soak the silver connectors in the river walk to take off the tarnish and eat some proper cheese cake at the same time.....If the tarnish really gets bad go to Millers Bar-B-Q and use some of their sauce.....With Levinson I would go with Luminous Synchestra Signature ICs and shy away from silver.....
shielded cables & IC's or not?
I have a noderately high end system with electrostatic hi-bred Prodigy speakers, Solid State equipment- ML336/ML380s/ML390s and Magnum Dynalab FM Tuner all equipment on glass shelves on rack behind one speaker. I live in San Antonio Texas (large city of over 1 mil.)and plug my system directly into the wall (110v). I am using top of the line Monster cable M2.4 and mid line interconnects by monster thinking to upgrade cables. Which type of cable should I consider shielded or not?