Shelter 90X Tracking Force

What is the best for the 90X. I a full blown LP-12/Ittok LV II arm. I am currenlty tracking at 1.9 gm based on my dealer recommendation.

Showing 2 responses by dan_ed

More really good, practical solutions here! I used to remove the platter on my basis in order to stack things under the scale to get it to the record height. What a PITA! The problem was that I did not have enough flexibility with the arms I was using to get into a position that would work well. Some of the ideas shared here would probably have done the trick.

I learned a great trick from a post no too long ago on this subject by Nsgarch. He had a great technique using a mirror and jewelers loupe. Try a search and I bet it comes up quick. His technique uses the vertical position of the stylus to determine the perpendicular setting, which is what you would be wanting with a supposed level arm. From there he as a very logical method for adjusting the arm to give a desired SRA. It's a great read and may work well for you.

Best and have fun!
