That is a great cart. I had one and regret selling it. I also have a Systemdek IIX but I never did try the Shelter 90X on it. I used mine on a Nottingham Dais and loved it. I tried something else for fun and I've tried some other things as well since and never found quite the magic of the 90X.
Shelter 90x on a Systemdek IIX ?
I am thinking of purchasing a used Shelter 90x ($1k range) to replace my Denon DL-103 on a Systemdek IIX. Any thoughts?
My system is:
Systemdek IIX with DL103
Jolida Envoy preamp with phono section
Canary Audio CA-301MkII tube amp
Synergistic Research Designer Ref cables
Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (1980's model)
Marantz SA-1 cd
Nakamichi Dragon cassette
Yamaha CDR-HD1500 music server
My system is:
Systemdek IIX with DL103
Jolida Envoy preamp with phono section
Canary Audio CA-301MkII tube amp
Synergistic Research Designer Ref cables
Acoustic Research AR-9 speakers (1980's model)
Marantz SA-1 cd
Nakamichi Dragon cassette
Yamaha CDR-HD1500 music server