Shelter 501 with Wilson Benesch?

I'm considering buying the Shelter 501 for use with the Wilson Benesch Act 0.5 arm, but am concerned that this may not be the best match since the WB is a unipivot and the cartridge is a low-compliance design. Does this seem like a well-founded concern, and are there any other great-sounding MC cartridges that should work especially well with the WB arms?

On another topic, I am thinking of doing away with the sprung suspension on my Michell Orbe SE and mating the plinth directly to some type of high performance brass cones. I use the TT in a finished basement with concrete floor, so footfalls are not an issue. Has anyone tried anything along these lines that worked well?

Showing 1 response by plato


Thanks for your input -- I believe I will try the Shelter 501 on the WB arm. I think it may work just fine. When I get it all set up, I'll let you know how it performs.

It's funny -- I like everything about the design of the Orbe SE except for that spring suspension. I may give Pierre Sprey a call at Mapleshade and see if he might be able to come up with a simple practical plan to impliment an effective direct-coupled suspension. Your point on putting the turntable on a very solid structure is well taken and I will endeavor to do exactly that. Thanks again for the tips!