Shelter 501 questions/concerns

Ok, I've read all the archives from Twl and others, but I'm curious if there is anyone who is actually using a unipivot with the 501, or has heard such a setup. I got a good price on one from a dealer and I just pulled the trigger. My arm (Bluenote Borromeo) is a unipivot, so I guess I am taking a chance. But it does appear that a few JMW owners are having some success.

BTW, the Borromeo has an off-center additional weight behind the counterweight to aid in tracking duties. I think I will be ok, but would like some feedback from anyone with a personal experience to share.



Showing 1 response by rockinroni

Bombaywalla,The Origin live silver arm with TWL,Tom's HI FI mod and a shelter 501 cartridge is state of the art, at it's price point. You will have to spend thousands of $$$$$$ to beat it's stellar performance. I wonder how much better it could possibly be? That's why I recommend them.
check out this thread,

Strange Tonearm Tweak. Long

Bombaywalla let me know that you read Toms thread ok?
