Sharing my Rega P3-24 table

Well, thanks to all the great stuff I've learned from all of you via previous threads and e-mails, and by reading MANY reviews and commentaries, I finally upgraded my analog front end. I sold my terrific workhorse NAD 533 table/Goldring Elektra set-up (with upgraded Rega glass platter), and bought a brand new Rega P3-24 table with the Rega Exact 2 cartridge installed by my dealer. (Kudos to Rich @ Signature Sound....a great learning/transaction experience.)

My initial listening impressions....WOW !!! An extremely noticeable improvement in all areas, and I am very happy. I know that there are a million reasons to buy "better" tables, "better" cartridges, etc., etc. I know that a lot of you folks prefer the Dynavector 10x5 or the Ortofon 2M Black, or the Benz ACE H over the Rega Exact. BUT.....ya' know what ?......To my ears, with my system, this P3-24 / Exact combination is a winner.

So, I just wanted to share my happiness over this purchase with all of you. When I have a chance this weekend, I'll update my system photos. Again, thanks for all your advice and help. HAPPY LISTENING !!!

Showing 1 response by signaturesound

Thank you for the business and the kind words Adam... I'm really glad you are enjoying the new table so much. FWIW, What I did for Adam's demo was to first play his old table for him and then switch over to his new P3/24 Exact using the same system. From there we did some comparison of the Herbies Audio Lab turntable mat (my fav tweak for Rega tables) to the stock felt mat and then I added the TT-PSU. I kept the volume levels the same for the demo and we used a couple of tracks from two LPs which Adam was familiar with. We topped it all off with a couple of tracks from a 45rpm test pressing I have of Gene Ammons Boss Tenor. :-)

These are my fav type of demo's as the customer gets the chance to see the improvements and evaluate their worth as we go along. Also, always a pleasure of doing business with a customer that takes such good care of his gear. Adam's old NAD 533 (Planar 2) box and all - is in terrific shape, so I'm sure I'll have no problem fining it a happy new home.
