Share albums where EVERY SINGLE song is good

It rarely happens to me, but in a pile of records I bought over the summer I

found one with no cover. Shocking Blue’s 2nd album. 'At Home' (I’m your Venus is on it).

Even most Beatles albums have at least one song I could pass on, but not this one. Horrible fidelity, scratched to hell, but damn...

So I’d love to hear of other records that you all could suggest.



Showing 1 response by crustycoot

Rubber Soul (US Atco version)

The 1st Paul Butterfield Blues Band album

Junior Wells’ Hoodoo Man Blues

Mississippi John Hurt Today!

Axis: Bold As Love

Gasoline Alley


Workingman’s & American Beauty


Alone Together

Low Spark

Inner Mounting Flame

Remain In Light

The Cars

Paradise And Lunch

The Who By Numbers

Will The Circle Be Unbroken