Shanling T100 to the T200 shootout

I got a chance to listen to these two players today and was wondering what others think about these. First these are both really good players. I was listening to them on a really high end Krell (not sure the models .. really big monoblocks) and B&W signature 800 system. For me, I did not hear any memorable difference between the two for redbook CD. Some people have stated the T100 sounds better but I liked them both. SACD was quit interesting... I used the following disks: Chick Corea Rendezvous in NY, Moussorgsky Pictures at an Exhibition (telarc), and Monty meets Sly and Robbie (telarc). The last disc showed very little difference between CD and SACD I think do to the heavy bass like that dominates the recording. The CC showed little difference in instruments like the vibraphone and vocals (which surprised me) but a significant difference in the Piano. In CD mode the Piano seemed to be almost secondary to vocals and the vibes. In SACD mode the piano really stood out. It became really obvious that he was playing really fine grand piano and not something smaller. looking back at the liner notes it turns out to have been a 9 ft Yamaha concert grand. You could really hear the hammer hit. On the Moussorgsky the whole orchestra was bigger, more dynamic, and cleaner..

The one thing that did not really change was the imaging, both imaged well. The soundstage was not much bigger or wider it was just cleaner somehow. I'm thinking about picking up the T200 but I can get the T100 at a great price.

I only spent a couple of hours and would like to hear from someone that has spent some time with these players...

Showing 4 responses by ben_campbell

Btrvalik-I agree strongly with what you found regarding SACD-it would appear to a large extent you need to go the almost "world class" level of equipment to hear the sonic benefits of SACD.
I think you make a key point when it seems a lot of people who have very good systems struggle to hear very much of a difference with this superior format.
I do really believe SACD will now only survive as an audiophille format which is no bad thing but it doesn't represent a lot of the music I like to hear.
Good luck on your descision.
That's a pretty defensive stance-I for one wanted to embrace SACD I can't help it if it hasn't worked out for me..
I'm delighted for those who have embraced it and they are happy with it.
What level of system do you think should show up the differences?
Also the ability to buy a very good SACD player is limited perhaps out with the pretty serious cash-this is just as big a problem as you rightly point out about the software.
I considered my next upgrade to be a higher end SACD player-in the 4th biggest city in the UK I couldn't find one to audition and the CD replay capabilities I read about didn't want make me want to but a 777ES without hearing it...add to the lack of software and the descision wasn't hard.
I admit not to being a typical audiophille I probably want to be hit the eyes (ears?) with large differences on upgrading/replacing and perhaps it is partly my fault but..
I'm not into bashing SACD these forums are important about sharing experiences and I started out pro-SACD but ended up indifferent to the format.
Anyway isn't vinyl the true audiophiles choice?
I've no doubt there is a large amount of truth in what you say however I simply cannot accept that any failings on SACD must be down to something on your list.
Consider this.
There are have been several posters recently on the Miles Davis mailing list who state that both Kind Of Blue and Black Beauty sound worse on SACD than they do on the last remaster--this shows to me at least there are some flaws in SACD,they find others marginal in comparison to CD and some have a list of about half a dozen that sound superior to CD in their systems.
Bluefin of course the problem is that I'd rather listen to Miles Davis than a symphony, even one recorded in DSD.
Although I wouldn't mind that too..
So what you saying buy a £2k SACD player to hear a single disc that is better?
I'm sure over time the true potential of SACD may be realised but in the meantime I'm buying at least 6 new current releases a month.........
If Sony had got their SACD's right and the format at this stage highlighted a clear difference on the music I LIKE then I would have invested further in the are kidding yourself if you think it matters if audiophiles take the format up-it's the masses that need to buy into it.
Otherwise all we will get are symphonies recorded in DSD and a limited format for audiophiles....