Shanling CD S-100 vs: Music Hall CD25

Ok.. maybe someone can clear the confusion on these two players. To me they are identical, yet the Music Hall is selling for $600 US, and the Shanling CD S-100 is available for $650 CDN, ummm last time I checked this works to roughly $411 US.
I got my Shanling from the Harmonia Audio website, and found them to be really great to deal with. It's a great CD player for the money. Very clear and focused sounding.
Just don't expect it to be a Levinson killer, but it works wonderfully in my second system.

Showing 1 response by jitterbug

I have been doing some scouting and also seem to think that its the same CDP made by the same factory in China. Actually, if one was to import it from China direct, it may be still cheaper.

Do you by any chance find the CD S-100 to be a bit laid back?