Shahinian Diapason Questions

I was able to purchase a pair of these locally (built approximately 1995) and have a few lingering questions regarding the Shahinian Diapasons. What is the ideal location for them? Is there a manual for these speakers? If so, is there a location on the web to read it (I couldn't find one.) All the speaker terminals underneath the speakers have me perplexed. I was told that I could use either of the terminals underneath and originally it sounded horrible. I tried another set of terminals and they came to life. What are all the various connections? Could someone explain them? I am using Conrad Johnson Evolution 2000 amp that are quite good with these speakers with a VTL Ultimate. The speakers hint at being bright to my ears and the VTL seems to be a good match for them. I should note that I am only using digital and this brightness could be attributed to the low cost digital that I am using. My impression could change quite a bit when my analog is out into service. It is interesting Shahinian recommends the Well Tempered turntables because I just sold my Classic before getting the speakers. Any hints on getting the most out of these speakers would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by chashas1

Yes, just call Vasken or Dick.

No, they are not bright.

Correct, there was never a manual nor online instructions

Too bad you sold your table, but now you can buy a WTL Amadeus that is better.

When you get it sorted you will love them. One of the great speakers- ever.