Shahinian Acoustics Loudspeakers

You dont hear much about these. Can anyone comment or know a dealer? Thanks Emil

Showing 1 response by jharrell

I had a pair of Obelisks for over five years, and traded up to ProAc 2.5's. I have two observations. First, the biggest difference between the Obelisks and the ProAc's is that the Obelisk's woofer is slower, which affects bass transient response. From the lower midrange up, however, the Obelisk is (IMHO) equal to the ProAc. Second, because of the multiple driver array and configuration, positioning the Obelisks to achieve an integrated and tonally accurate soundstage requires a LOT of time and experimentation. Still, if you take the time, this is a wonderful speaker. I really enjoyed them, and (with the aforementioned caveats) can highly recommend them.