SF Serafino vs SF Elipsa SE

Any opinions on these 2?  They are about the same price in the used market now.
I've got plenty of power (350W) to drive either.  They would go into a 13x15 room that sucks (open on 1 side wall).  Right now I have WIlson Duettes.  My understanding is the Elipsa's are good in almost all rooms and easy to setup.  I don't know about the Serafinos.
I listen primarily to vocalists, jazz and soft rock (James Taylor, Eagles, etc.)


Showing 3 responses by ihmeyers

Thanks for the reply.  A close friend of mine that's a dealer told me today that Sonus Faber is completely dead in the market.  He said you can hardly give the stuff away on the used market.  Not that that should scare either of us.  Probably just the opposite although he said if you ever want to trade out you're going to take a hit.
I have always like SF.  I had a pair of Liutos a couple of years ago that nice.  If I err, it's always on the side of romantic and a little warm.  I'm looking at a bunch of stuff.  I have Wilson Duettes now and am considering everything from Wilson Alexia to Raidhos (which are also cheap) to Focal Scala 2 to the SF speakers.  My room isn't that small (15x20) but it's crappy (only 1 side wall) and I have too much furniture.  The Duettes are really good in less than ideal rooms.  I've read the Ellipsas are as well.  I hear Raidho not so much and I could never manage the 9ft of separation recommended for the Raidhos.
Please let me know what you end up doing.
The dealer that told me about SF being weak had no dog in the fight.  It's a guy I've done business with for 25 years.  He's one of the largest used/demo dealers in the U.S.  We were talking and I mentioned I was thinking about new speakers.  I asked about SF Serafino and Elipsa.  He said he doesn't have any but he's offered them all the time.  He said he won't buy them unless he has a customer for them immediately because the market is flooded with SF.  I don't know about the whole market but you can look on Audiogon and see tons of SF and prices way down from where they were a year-18 months ago.  He said he's been offered Elipsa for $6k and heard they trade privately for as little as $8k.  I think they were $22k retail.
Yes and no.  My buddy who is a large dealer said he's still having a pretty good year.  I guess not all dealers are.  He wasn't slamming SF, he likes them and I traded in my Liutos to him.  He just commented that he's getting a ton of calls from dealers and individuals looking to sell SF.  Many pairs of used Raidhos as well.  Wilson Audio, OTOH seems to be holding up better.
As for me, I just buy what I like and figure I'm going to lose something when I trade it in anyway.  I have a couple of non-popular brands that I know will be tough resells when that time comes.