SF Guarneri Homage or SF Extrema?

If you had an opportunity to buy a pair of the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (new) or Sonus Faber Extrema (mint used) what would you do? Forget about the cost differential and for now no other speaker recommendations please.

I listen to mostly blues, jazz, classical, and female vocalists. The front end is Esoteric DV-50, Ayre K-3x, and Ayre V-5x running all Cardas Golden Reference.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by twilo

The Extremas are much better. There fuller and richer sounding. The Extremas make anything else I ever listened to pale into the far distance. They have an impact that will stop your pacemaker. A realism that is scary, soundstaging that is so holographic. The bass is nut-tight. I also agree, I dont think your V5 is enough power on the Extremas. The Extremas need power and lots of it.
My friend is using Meridian 557 amps bridged on the Extremas, where are 800 watts. That is an awesome combo.