SF Guarneri Homage or SF Extrema?

If you had an opportunity to buy a pair of the Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage (new) or Sonus Faber Extrema (mint used) what would you do? Forget about the cost differential and for now no other speaker recommendations please.

I listen to mostly blues, jazz, classical, and female vocalists. The front end is Esoteric DV-50, Ayre K-3x, and Ayre V-5x running all Cardas Golden Reference.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

Showing 1 response by thf

I own a pair of Extremas and I have also listened to the Guarneris. To my ears, the Extremas are more complete, if I may use the term. However, to make them sing, you need a high quality and a high powered amplifier. Your amp will not do the Extremas justice.