SF GP VS Vienna Mozart VS Tempo III

I am looking for a pair of speaker (SF GP, Vienna Mozart and Audio Physic III).Which one sound the best.I have bryston 4 B ST and Theta Miles run direct to amp.

Showing 2 responses by jb8312

I reccommed SF. I love their sound. I have a pair of Grand Pianos I am think of selling to upgrade to the EA 2's. If you are interested we could make a quik transaction....looking for 2K (10/10, OMB, less then 1 year old). Leave me your emial if you are interested.
Oh, BTW. I have been using Bryston 3B-ST's in mono bloc to drive them..They are a great match!! The slightly mellowness of the GP's are complimented by the edge of the Brystons....I am also using the BP-25 preamp..match made in heaven.