setting azimuth

I want to use a volt meter to set my cartridge azimuth. When doing so what do I do with the probes to connect then to the amps speaker terminals? Just touch the probe to the post?

Showing 2 responses by rodman99999

Once both SRA and azimuth are dialed in; you'll find dramatic differences in image focus, sound stage, timbre, etc. Dr Feickert's Adjust+ program removes all the guesswork, and adds precision, with regards to crosstalk, freq response and THD measurements. Expensive, but- worth every penny! Also includes tests for table speed, wow/flutter, arm/cart resonant freq, etc. ( (
@Bfin3- The Adjust+ can be purchased directly from Feickert: ( Avatar acoustics is a distributor for their tables and may carry the software as well: (