Setting Azimuth

VPI Scoutmaster
JMW 9 standard tonearm
Soundsmith Zephyr cartridge band new
Using a Fozgometer and Hi Fi News Test LP both also brand new
I'm measuring at the interconnects off the turntable.
I cannot seem to achieve a proper azimuth that will give even channel balance. The only adjustment on this tonearm is the counterweight which is weighted a the bottom so turning it side to side should effect azimuth. Only extreme changes are affecting channel balance. I changed the interconnects in case they were causing the problem, but I get the same results. The right channel is a few decibels louder no matter what I do to the azimuth unless I make an extreme adjustment which has the tonearm cocked to one side and obviously this is not correct.

Showing 1 response by tketcham

Hi, Arnold; before you come to a conclusion about the Fozgometer you need to eliminate other possibilities. Have you tried switching the RCA leads from the CD player during the calibration test to see if the CDP has equal signal output? Switch RCA leads and set the meter to zero (with RW1) playing test tone track 1. Then, using test tone track 3 (to account for the reversed RCA connections) set the right meter to 20. If the CDP is correct and the Fozgometer is off, test track 2 should put the meter slightly below 20 as before. If the CDP is off the meter should read slightly above 20 since you calibrated for a lower output coming out of the left channel.
