SET question best 45 type tube

Hi Guys,
I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for tubes as a direct replacement for 45's in a yamamoto a-08s.
I'm thinking of purchacing a pair of emmission labs 45 mesh plates and wondered if anyone has any thoughts/experience with 45 tubes and their performance.


Showing 1 response by larryi

I don't know what kind of sound you are looking for, but, if you are looking for weight and a good bottom end, the EML solid plate will give you that. A friend had lots of problems with early production meshplates, but the solid plate tubes that he got as a replacement (two pairs of meshplates failed very quickly) are working just fine.

I currently run meshplate 2a3s in a parallel SET and they are my favorite 2a3s. They may be a bit less extended and open on top than the Sofia tube and NOS RCA double plates that I have, but the added weight and deeper bass response makes them my own preference. So far, they have been working fine for more than a year.

In short, I like EML tubes a lot. I just wish they weren't so costly.