SET question best 45 type tube

Hi Guys,
I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for tubes as a direct replacement for 45's in a yamamoto a-08s.
I'm thinking of purchacing a pair of emmission labs 45 mesh plates and wondered if anyone has any thoughts/experience with 45 tubes and their performance.


Showing 2 responses by chakster

Hey there, it hard to resist and i finally bought the Yamamoto a-08s too, it was in my wantlist for many years when i had tube gear. It's crazy, because i sold my tube gear and now using First Watt F2J and Aleph L passive (latest version that became active only when needed). Actually First Watt F2J with Aleph L is killer combination in my system.  It would be nice to compare, because people who reviewed FW and Yamamoto on 6 moons like them both.

But damn, i could not resist and now waiting for my Yamamoto a-08s with NOS vintage tubes supplied by Yamamoto. The amp is almost unused. 

EML tubes in Yamamoto are better to look at, but how do they sound? 

My speakers are cyber efficient (101dB) Zu Audio Druid, upgraded mk4 version with Radian Supertweeters (new high pass filter) and latest Nano Drivers from Zu Audio (boght as two kits). 

My source is vinyl only, many different phono stages, turntables, cartridges. ... 

Another preamp is First Watt B1 (buffer preamp, passive). 

Any other on here using Yamamoto a-08s with Zu Druid speakers ?

I've heard about Emmission Lab 45 tubes, this post is old, would be nice to read more comments regarding those tubes in 2020. 

Here is the factory tour.    

Some inexpensive preamps that can be better than mine ? 

Well, i just started another topic and people are more active there if anyone interested.